Hey there
I’m Nicole Mirchandani
Iwrite entertaining, fictional stories about women, for women. Exploring the different identities and roles we play, I focus on universal themes that reflect and challenge the absurdity of what women often face today, and the complicated dynamics within our relationships.

Nicole grew up as a third-culture kid, moving every 2 years around the world. For over 20 years, she worked in corporate America in strategy, product management and marketing roles before venturing out to start her own consulting business and later found a new business.
Write stories based on real life to entertain, encourage and inspire women to look inward vs. outward for accomplishment and self worth.
Chasing Unicorns
Chasing Unicorns is a book about the importance of believing in yourself, so you can create your own success. Adele is a hardworking mom and female entrepreneur who is trying to launch a company, but is riddled with self-doubt and constant comparison to others.
When she gets accepted into a competitive female founder accelerator with the chance to get what she always thought she wanted, she realizes she needs to look inward to figure out a way through. She also learns that the people she is comparing herself to are not quite what they seem.
The Nicole Podcast
Fusce risus nisl, viverra et, tempor et, pretium in, sapien. Suspendisse enim turpis, dictum sed, iaculis a.